Candycane coffee (CZE)
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  • Espresso brewing
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OneTamp 58,5 mm

You'd be surprised how important a precise tamper is.

990,00 Kč

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Together with the precise VST basket, it shifts the quality of the cup to astral levels.
By fitting the tamper into the basket, you reduce the risk of wrapping the coffee puck and any channel that is definitely not desirable.
OneTamp is precisely turned from a single piece of plastic. Thanks to that, it is lighter than tampers with a metal base, and if it accidentally falls, it won't cut a piece off - we've tried it (more than once).
The design was created by Zdeněk. And this tamper helped him win the title of Barista in 2019.
frrom roastery team:
"I wanted to create a precise tamper that would be lighter, affordable and durable. After a days of tamping at catering events, after hundreds of coffees, one has a tired hand, no matter what the tamper is. This one really won't break into pieces for paving stones :) "
Zdeněk Hýbl

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