Gael – Brazil
Natalia & André Luíz Garcia
Minas Gerais
1 040 m a.s.l.
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Gael – Brazil

sugar melon, milk chocolate, caramel

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This coffee is produced by our longtime partners at Jaguara Coffee. It is a naturaly proccesed micro-lot and is named after the producers’ son, Gael.

This coffee has been produced by Natália Brito & André Luíz Garcia, on their farm, Jaguara.
Jaguara is the name of Natália and André’s farm, but also of their exporting company that sources coffee from other producers in the region. They are one of our main suppliers in Brazil, with whom we have built a very strong relationship with over the years.

The Jaguara farm was initially founded by three friends, Antonio Wander, Rubem Carlos and Rubem Murilo. They planted its first coffee trees in 2001, in the area of Campo das Vertentes. The farm was named after a prominent Quilombola community in the region.
The farm is now owned by André Luíz Garcia, his wife, Natália Moreira Brito and their son, Benicio Garcia.

André is a third generation producer. He is an agronomist and researcher at the Procafé Foundation, specialising in pruning and producing coffees. Natália is a second generation producer, cupper and trader. They work together to develop their farm further, by supporting and complementing each other in different areas of production. They create a wide range of profiles by diversifying their fermenting and drying procedures.

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