Wildan Mustofa
1 400 m a.s.l.
Sigararutang, Andungsari
anaerobic natural lactic
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Frinsa Manis – Indonesia

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The coffee processing occurs at Frinsa Estate, with their wet mill situated at 1400 masl. Equipped with a ventilated storage space and a dry mill, they exercise meticulous control over their product journey, from harvest, to grading, to sorting, and shipment. The Frinsa team is well-versed in processing techniques, navigating challenges posed by the climate to achieve clean, transparent profiles in their coffees.

Wildan Mustofa and his wife Atieq Mustikaningtyas started their first coffee project in Sindangkerta, Weninggalih area in 2010. This later became the main growing area at his farm Java Frinsa Estate. Since the first year of production, Wildan has aimed to focus on quality which requires meticulous attention and processes. While the majority of Indonesian producers are doing wet-hulled coffees, even for speciality, Wildan is focusing on the fully washed. Besides the quality and social and economic impact on the community, we believe the coffee project also has long-term benefits for water conservation and reforestation.

Processing: Extended Fermentation Natural Lactobacillus. This lot undergoes a 3 day semi-anaerobic fermentation process. The cherries are picked, washed, and then put in tanks or plastic bags with small holes, and then fermented for 2-3 days with Lactobacillus, a probiotic bacterium used for more refined fermentation. 

Due to the wet, humid climate, most of their coffees are also pre-dried in their greenhouse, a groundbreaking shift for the Indonesian market. The coffee is then dried on the ground or parabolic dryers for 14-20 days. This has resulted in more uniform drying, and therefore more consistent outcomes. 

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